Welcome to St. Simon Peter Episcopal Church
in Pell City, Alabama.
We are a community of caring, friendly people—different from one another, but bound together in love and friendship as we seek to follow Christ. Come, join us!
Worship with us at 3702 Mays Bend Rd. Pell City, AL 35128

Worship With Us
Our primary form of worship is the Holy Eucharist. From the Greek word meaning “thanksgiving”, the Eucharist is known in other traditions as the Lord’s (or Last) Supper, Holy Communion, and the Mass. This is not our table– it is the table of Christ. We believe that Christ invites all to his table. We do use real wine and always have gluten free wafers available.
SUNDAYS at 9:30AM in the nave
Our worship includes music, hymns, and choral anthems accompanied by our pipe organ.
WEDNESDAYS at 10AM in the chapel
This informal, spoken service usually includes prayers for healing and anointing with Holy Oil.
Join Us Online
Who We Are
St. Simon Peter is a part of the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama and the Episcopal Church nationwide and beyond. Episcopal comes from the Greek word Episkopos meaning bishop. We are a Christian church guided by our bishops and served by our priests and deacons. The Episcopal Church is a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion.
We believe first and foremost that we can best come to know God, our creator, through a relationship with his son, Jesus Christ. And, along with Anglicans around the globe, we at St. Simon Peter therefore hold the traditional faith of Christians through the ages. The clearest statements of what we believe is to be found in the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed. These two-thousand-year-old creeds (or short statements of faith) are held to be true by billions of people around the world today.
As a church, we emphasize the mystery of encountering God in worship. We believe all people are called to be ministers and to serve God, his Church and the community in which they live. As the only Episcopal Church in St. Clair County, we are an energetic, inclusive congregation dedicated to taking care of each other and others in need. We invite you to come and join us.

Find ways to grow and serve, whatever your age and life stage. For a more complete list, contact us.
Kids and Students
- Nursery available
- Kids Sunday School
Adult Sunday School
Book and Bible Studies
Education for Ministry
Small Groups
- Daughters of the King DOK
- Cursillo/Ultreya Activities
- Beans and Rice
- Canterbury Club – Snead State Community College
- Room in the Inn
- Food Pantry
- Sunday Servants
- Flower Guild
- Altar Guild
Your Generosity Has an Impact

Your contributions equip us to spread the life-changing love of Jesus through word and action. Thank you for your gift.
Contact Us
Mailing Address
3702 Mays Bend Rd. Pell City, AL 35128
Contact Info